I do love Junior Kimbrough !!! He is one of the many tops of the huge blues mountain range!
Besides, he is the artist who brought many changes in the blues field! 1. He really did't need (not at all) the classic 12-bar blues, he went more further. 2. He totally changed the boogie style of the great John Lee Hooker 3. He also didn't need the guitar solos. He had his own one-chord style, a style that everyone could call something like "The Meaning Of The Life" or "An Endless Trip To The Dream". 4. Finally he is the man who saved the Blues in 90's.
Oh, that's for sure. I DO LOVE JUNIOR KIMBROUGH!!! Shame on me that i have a blog (diattonsworld.blogspot.com) and i haven't made a tribute to him yet!
By the way, if you ever visit my blog, just click on the photo of the great John Lee Hooker! You 'll see it!
Well Done for your blog! Blues is the music of the heart and soul!
Sorry, for my english, i don't know this language very well. I just try to do my best (i'm from Greece)...
"...and what makes it so good is that everybody is original, everybody has their own taste of the blues. Their own feeling of the blues. Their own form of the blues. Told in that way, that's what makes it historical - it will never die."
We're actually up to about 1200 friends on FB, which is really cool. Thx y'all!
Watch This Space!
The Cure for The Purist.
Bad Luck & Trouble as Travelogue Webcast! W/ yr hosts Jeff Konkel & Roger Stolle, and an array of Who's Who in hard blues!
"...authenticity without evolution isn't authenticity, but mimicry. And not terribly authentic or interesting at all." -Ted Drozdowski
Via Folio Weekly Magazine
My 15 Minutes..14...13...
And, of course, that is what all of this is -- all of this: the one song, ever changing, ever reincarnated, that speaks somehow from and to and for that which is ineffable within us and without us, that is both prayer and deliverance, folly and wisdom, that inspires us to dance or smile or simply to go on, senselessly, incomprehensibly, beatifically, in the face of mortality and the truth that our lives are more ill-writ, ill-rhymed and fleeting than any song, except perhaps those songs -- that song, endlesly reincarnated -- born of that truth, be it the moon and June of that truth, or the wordless blue moan, or the rotgut or the elegant poetry of it. That nameless black-hulled ship of Ulysses, that long black train, that Terraplane, that mystery train, that Rocket '88', that Buick 6 -- same journey, same miracle, same end and endlessness." -- Nick Tosches, Where Dead Voices Gather
"My songs, they have just the one chord, there's none of that fancy stuff you hear now, with lots of chords in one song. If I find another chord I leave it for another song." -Junior Kimbrough
Got this yet? You need two.
Broke & Hungry Records 5 year Retrospective! Must Own.
1 comment:
I do love Junior Kimbrough !!! He is one of the many tops of the huge blues mountain range!
Besides, he is the artist who brought many changes in the blues field!
1. He really did't need (not at all) the classic 12-bar blues, he went more further.
2. He totally changed the boogie style of the great John Lee Hooker
3. He also didn't need the guitar solos. He had his own one-chord style, a style that everyone could call something like "The Meaning Of The Life" or "An Endless Trip To The Dream".
4. Finally he is the man who saved the Blues in 90's.
Oh, that's for sure. I DO LOVE JUNIOR KIMBROUGH!!! Shame on me that i have a blog (diattonsworld.blogspot.com) and i haven't made a tribute to him yet!
By the way, if you ever visit my blog, just click on the photo of the great John Lee Hooker! You 'll see it!
Well Done for your blog! Blues is the music of the heart and soul!
Sorry, for my english, i don't know this language very well. I just try to do my best (i'm from Greece)...
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