Talk About Records // Lonewolf OMB //
River of Gennargentu
Just in time for the holidays comes a terrific release from the Sardinian record label Talk About Records have released a split cassette/digital download recordings with America's Lonewolf One-Man Band and Sardinia's River of Gennargentu.
Both recordings are complete live sets, Lonewolf OMB's recorded at De Melkbus Theatre in Dordrecht, Netherlands, June 3rd, 2015, while River Of Gennargentu's set was recorded at Museo Ex Casa Lai in Gavoi, Sardinia, December 28th, 2015.
Both solo performances carry a certain presence...a feeling that you are in the room as it goes down, the Lonewolf OMB recording the rawer of the two and more akin to the punk country blues of The Gun Club or a fast and loud banjo frailing Howlin' Wolf, where River of Gennergentu is straight Mississippi drone and boogie blues fed thru a fine Sardinian filter that combines with the acoustics of the ancient stone room to somehow harrow it to a more primal...haunted, olde blues...the sound of a lost man in the deep, dark, oak woods, just hollering for help. The occasional dog barks only help set that vibe. I cannot recommend these recordings enough, and cannot wait to hear who's up for Volume two in this series.
Set lists for both

Lonewolf OMB set list:
1. Swamp Hermit
2. Up the river
3. Growling At The Moon Again
4. Coal Black Maddie
5. Flat Spell Blues
6. Band Aid Blues
7. Dream Sea
8. Down At The Tracks
9. Little Black Crow
10. Canned Catfish Blues
River of Gennargentu set:
1. I Need To Move
2. Jump Baby Jump (Jessie Mae Hemphill)
3. Poor Black Mattie (RL Burnside)
4. Between Troubled Waters
5. Hard Times Killin’ Floor (Skip James) / Goin’ Down South (RL Burnside) / My Mind Wandering 6. Someday Baby (Hammie Nixon, Sleepy John Estes)
7. Rivers
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